Scientific Information Agency
17 February 2022

A sample of periodization of the universal history of archives in the light of civilization approach and evolution of data medium

Arkhivy Ukrayiny
A sample of periodization of the universal history of archives in the light of civilization approach and evolution of data medium

The purpose of the study is to develop a version of the periodization of the Universal history of archives, taking into account the civilizational approach and the evolution of the data medium. The research methodology is based on the proposals of the Soviet-Russian historian-archivist Eugeny Starostin concerning the significance of the data medium for periodization of the Universal history of archives and the ideas of civilizationists. The scientific research is new in the development of the periodization of the Universal history of archives in a horizontal plane, which takes into consideration the interaction and mutual influences of civilizations as well as demonstrates the results of their archival efforts. Also, the author identifies a data medium typical for each civilization. Conclusion. Applying a civilizational approach to develop the periodization of the Universal history of archives, scientists are not limited to building linear (rising) models with rigid links between components. Since each civilization is a unique, autonomous, self-sufficient, and self-governing system, it is possible to create a horizontal model of the periodization of the history of archives. In this case, the scholars can integrate more civilizations in the horizontal model or separate them into subgroups without difficulty. Human history demonstrates the mutual influence of civilizations; civilizational conflicts often have devastating consequences in the field of preserving the collective human memory and transferring it to future generations. Sometimes, civilizations destroy their historical heritage voluntarily. However, in general, the archives are often taken away by the implacable brutality of the time. In this context, the nature of the information data medium plays a decisive role in the periodization of the Universal history of archives. The function of documents storage is mainly determined by the nature of the data media. In the presented version of the periodization, 10 civilizations are taken into account, including the modern civilization. Each possessed specific typical data media identified below. Thus, the offered version of periodization is as follows: «the epoch of clay tablets» — Mesopotamian civilization (6000—300 BC); «the epoch of papyrus» — Egyptian civilization (5500—300 BC); «the epoch of the wooden tabula» — Greco-Roman (classical) civilization (1500 (1100) BC — (500) 600 AD); «the epoch of steatite tablets» — the Indus Valley (Harappa) civilization (3700—1300 BC); «the epoch of bamboo slips» — the Ancient Chinese Civilization (2000 BC — 400 AD); «the epoch of Amate» — the Mesoamerican civilization (1000 BC — 1550 AD); «the epoch of khipu» — the Andean civilization (3700—1800 BC); «the epoch of tanned parchment» — the Byzantine civilization (395—1453); «the epoch of paper» — Northwest Old World (Western, Orthodox and Islamic) civilization (from Christmas to the end of XX cent.); «the epoch of digital data medium» — modern civilization (from the late XXth — early XXI cent. and going).

Source: Levchenko L. (2020) A sample of periodization of the universal history of archives in the light of civilization approach and evolution of data medium. Arkhivy Ukrayiny. 4(325): 26-51

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