Scientific Information Agency
23 December 2023

About the Organization of Librarianship in the Soviet Russia in the early 1920s

European Journal of Contemporary Education
About the Organization of Librarianship in the Soviet Russia in the early 1920s

The work examines the organization of librarianship in the Soviet Russia in the early 1920s. There were used as materials the specialized literature on the organization of librarianship in the Soviet Russia during the early 1920s. For the most part, this literature was published in Moscow through the People's commissariat for education. The research methodology is presented by the traditional historical methods. One of them, the chronological method allowed authors to analyze the organization of librarianship, taking into account the historical situation. Using the method of objectivity and relying on facts, the authors were able to consider the organization of librarianship in its real state, in conjunction with the post-revolutionary situation. In turn, the civilizational approach made it possible to study the organization of librarianship in Soviet Russia in the early 1920s, in view of the accumulated experience in the pre-revolutionary period. In conclusion, the authors state that in the early 1920s, librarianship in the USSR was formed taking into account the accumulated pre-revolutionary experience and international traditions. The Bolsheviks used the well-established American system of organizing librarianship and made only some additions and changes to it, bearing in mind the specifics of the proletarian state. The Bolsheviks also did not prohibit the decimal classification of books proposed by the Brussels International Bibliographic Institute. Nevertheless, there were special features in the training of personnel for libraries in Soviet Russia. Thus, the staff of librarians was trained on the principle of workshops for beginners, and hobby group activities for people who already had work experience.

Source: Oleg E. Chuikov, Ruslan M. Allalyev, Ilya V. Tyurin, Oksana N. Golovchenko (2023) About the Organization of Librarianship in the Soviet Russia in the early 1920s. European Journal of Contemporary Education. 12(4): 1532-1536

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