Scientific Information Agency
19 February 2023

An Imitation (fourree) of Roman Republican Denarius Serratus From the «l-1» Excavation Area in Olbia Pontica (Ukraine)

Journal of Ancient History and Archeology
An Imitation (fourree) of Roman Republican Denarius Serratus From the «l-1» Excavation Area in Olbia Pontica (Ukraine)

A paper is devoted to a publication of a rare for a Northern Black Sea region find — a half of an imitation of a Roman Republican denarius serratus revealed in Olbia Pontica in 2003 in cultural strata during the excavations of the «L-1» area, a Central part of a Citadel on the plateau the Upper City. The item supposed to be a barbarian imitation of Roman denarius serratus of 81 BC of a Geto-Dacian minting. The coin find in Olbia, most likely, is connected with the historical events, described by Dio Chrysostom, about the Getae attack on the polis that took place c. the mid-1st century BC.

Source: Khmelevskiy D.N., Krutilov V.V., Novichenkova M.V. (2021) An Imitation (fourrée) of Roman Republican Denarius Serratus From the «l-1» Excavation Area in Olbia Pontica (Ukraine). Journal of Ancient History and Archeology. Vol.8, №2: 65-74

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