Scientific Information Agency
05 July 2023

Archaeobotanical evidence regarding the diet of Gava culture from Teleac hillfort (Romania)

Journal of Ancient History and Archeology
Archaeobotanical evidence regarding the diet of Gava culture from Teleac hillfort (Romania)

The aim of this study is to present a remarkable discovery of several vessels fulfil with charred grains. The vessels have been revealed during 2017 archaeological campaign inside of a burnt house belonging to Gava culture. This is a very rare discovery for Romanian area putting the site of Teleac on the European map of Late Bronze Age diet reconstruction. The most important species revealed were Panicum miliaceum and Triticum spelta.

Source: Ciuta B. (2021). Archaeobotanical evidence regarding the diet of Gava culture from Teleac hillfort (Romania). Journal of Ancient History and Archeology. 8(3): 102-111

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