The body of the article goes on to discuss the military and political situation in Moldavia in the context of the history of Northern Bukovina, Moldavian-Polish and Moldavian-Turkish relations that affected our region. In 1650-1653 Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytskyi made four military campaigns of Cossack troops in Moldova. During the first campaign the Cossacks and Tatars plundered the country, took many Moldavian settlements and towns, including Chernivtsi and Khotyn and signed such a desirable alliance with the Moldavian hospodar. During the next two years V. Lupu did not fulfill his obligations that caused the second campaign to Moldova in summer 1652. The marriage of Tymish and Rozanda caused concern among Moldavian boyars, who threw V. Lupu from the Iasi throne with the help of Wallachian and Transylvanian people. Rebellious Logofet G. Stefan became a new hospodar of Moldova. Those events caused the third march of B. Khmelnytskyi troops to Moldova in April-May 1653. The success in the battles against the troops of G. Stephan changed to failures and defeats from Wallachian and Transylvanians troops. As a result V. Lupu lost the Moldavian throne. Having learned that, Khmelnytskyi sent Cossacks led by Tymish to the fourth and the last Moldavian campaign, which ended with the failure and the death of the Hetman’s son.
Source: Balukh O. (2016). Bukovyna during Bohdan Khmelnytskyi’s Campaigns in Moldova of 1650-1653: Military and Political Dimension. Sumy Historical and Archival Journal. № XXVІІ: 59-71
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