The purpose of the publication is to highlight the role of the Central State Archives of Cinema, Audio and Visual Documents of Ukraine named after H. S. Pshenychny in the process of scientifi c and professional communication in the context of the development of Ukrainian archival science and practice. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the participation of archive employees in formal scientifi c and practical communication, in particular the presentation of their work in the columns of the scientifi c and practical journal «Archives of Ukraine», the characteristics of the vectors of scientifi c and professional search. Research methods. The research is based on theoretical developments and concepts of domestic and foreign scientists in the fi eld of social, scientifi c and professional communications. The work was carried out using general scientifi c methods of analysis and synthesis based on a systemic approach, principles of historicism and objectivity. Chronological, structural-typological, problem-thematic, genre-specifi c methods were also used when covering the topic. The scientifi c novelty of the article lies in clarifying the signifi cance of the Central State Archives of Cinema, Audio and Visual Documents of Ukraine named after H. S. Pshenychny in formal scientifi c and professional communication and its impact on the development of audiovisual archival science and archival practices for the preservation of audiovisual heritage. Conclusions. Central State Archives of Cinema, Audio and Visual Documents of Ukraine named after H. S. Pshenychny is an important subject of the socio-cultural and scientifi c-professional sphere and an active participant in professional and scientifi c communication. The study proved that the scientifi c and scientifi c-methodical works of its employees played a signifi cant role in the development of scientifi c-methodical, professional principles for the preservation and use of the audiovisual heritage of our country. Under the current conditions of the rapid development of the information society, the growing role of information and communication technologies, further research of various forms of scientifi c and professional communication, in particular informal and electronically mediated, in the scientifi c and professional archival environment is considered promising.
Source: Kasian L. (2022) Central State Archives of Cinema, Audio and Visual Documents of Ukraine Named After H. S. Pshenychny as the Subject of Professional and Scientific Communication. Arkhivy Ukrayiny. 2(331): 71-85
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