Scientific Information Agency
15 November 2019

Chisels of Polished Stone in the Neolithic of North-West Romania

Journal of Ancient History and Archeology
Chisels of Polished Stone in the Neolithic of North-West Romania

Chisels occupy a small part of the studies concerning polished stone tools. Havying an area (the north-west of Romania) but especially two sites — Porț and Pericei — that produced a vast quantity of polished lithics, with a clear predominance of chisels, we were able to make some general observations regarding what is different about them related to other polished tools. Two main aspects were followed: ways of stone working adapted to produce chisels and the chronological value of their typology. Regarding the first issue, cores were prepared by polishing a narrow stripe indicating the part that had to be sawed for obtaining a chisel’s preform. Pecking was used afterwards in different proportions, depending on the shape of the chisel. Seriation of the sites based on chisel’s typology illustrate a general evolution that is marked by local preferences.

Source: Dunca M. (2019) Chisels of Polished Stone in the Neolithic of North-West Romania. Journal of Ancient History and Archeology. Vol.6, №2: 5-18

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