Scientific Information Agency
05 April 2023

Diplomatic Missions of Mining Engineers in the Foreign Policy of Russia in the XIX – early XX centuries

Bylye Gody
Diplomatic Missions of Mining Engineers in the Foreign Policy of Russia in the XIX – early XX centuries

The foreign economic relations of the states include cooperation in various fields of the economy, including business partnership in mining. Russian spiritual missions organized in China in the XVIII century were also the political representation of Russia. The interests of the spiritual missions were not only in missionary work, but also in establishing special contacts in the mining industry. Participation in international processes of mining engineers of Russia (until the end of the XIX century. exclusively graduates of the St. Petersburg Mining Institute as the only higher educational institution of mining profile in the country) was explained by the mutual need to exchange experience in the field of technology and technological processes, to receive assistance in the development of minerals, as well as in the organization of labor and safety during the operation of deposits. The practice of cooperation in mining has shown that mutually enriching experience, it is possible to find optimal solutions to facilitate the work of miners and environmental protection. It was important to think over or adopt ways of rational use of natural resources to provide the country with minerals, etc. It is obvious that the tasks of the past centuries are still relevant, since international cooperation in the mining industry now consists of the work of international and global organizations. This article discusses diplomatic missions in the XIX — early XX centuries, led by mining engineers of Russia: their tasks and results.

Source: Vladimir G. Afanas'ev, Irina V. Voloshinova (2022). Diplomatic Missions of Mining Engineers in the Foreign Policy of Russia in the XIX – early XX centuries. Bylye Gody. 17(4): 1770-1779

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