This study focuses on books printed in Romanian in the Transylvanian area, translated from other languages (Slav, Hungarian, German). Broadly, we offer an overview of the possible influences upon the evolution of translations into Romanian. We have in view the reality acknowledged by specialized historiography regarding the influences of Slavism on Romanian language, culture and ecclesiastical life. By presenting practical examples, we follow the cultural and denominational context which influenced appearances in Romanian language. Through examples from each proposed period (sixteenth century, seventeenth century, Enlightenment), we demonstrate directions followed by patrons, editors and typographers of books. We wish to underline the knowledge and multilingualism of translators as well as cultural interests, sometimes commercial, on behalf of editors and Transylvanian typographers.
Source: Marza E. (2019) Elements of Translation History in Romanian Culture from Transylvania (Sixteenth Century – Early Nineteenth Century). Terra Sebus. Acta Musei Sabesiensis. 11: 301-320
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