This paper is focused on employees within the system of public education in the Russian Empire in the first half of the 19th century. An attempt was made to determine the place of this category of functionaries within the state’s bureaucratic system. Reference was made to relevant statutory enactments from the period under review, published documents, and archival materials. To refer to said category of public officers, use in the work was made of the synonymous terms ‘functionaries within the public education sector’, ‘educational functionaries’, ‘pedagogical functionaries’, and ‘school functionaries’. Here is an outline of the main insights drawn from this study. The legal status of employees within the education sphere, which had begun to take shape as early as the late 18th century, was formalized in the early 19th century. Insight was gained into the nature of their service, including their official functions and duties, their service conditions, and the attitude of their own and that of the public to this type of service. The service of pedagogical functionaries had a distinctive nature. Officers in this category were the most educated group within the nation’s bureaucracy. Their functions were not purely bureaucratic and often were directed at educating and nurturing future functionaries.
Source: Sergey I. Degtyarev, Anatolii V. Honcharenko, Jasmin Gut (2022). Employees within the Public Education Sector in the Russian Empire in the first half of the 19th century: Their Place within the Bureaucratic Apparatus and Some Characteristics of Their Service. European Journal of Contemporary Education. 11(1): 258-265
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