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15 November 2023

Features of the construction of the Nebelivka Temple: monumental elements, structure and their ritual and religious meaning

Sophia. Human and Religious Studies Bulletin
Features of the construction of the Nebelivka Temple: monumental elements, structure and their ritual and religious meaning

In this article, we will focus on the cult building of the Eneolithic world, which was opened in 2012 near the village Nebelivka, Novoarkhangelsk district, Kirovohrad region. Today it is a recognized Temple of Trypillia civilization. Based on the results of excavations, the main features of the structure and layout of the building were restored. In the course of the study, it was analyzed that the preparation, technology and sequence of the construction of the sacred structure could have a special cosmogonic status. It is also determined that the construction had an archaeoastronomic interpretation. The design features of the Nebelivka Temple revealed its ritual capabilities, and the internal structure of the ritual hall was probably adjusted to the functioning of the main temple symbol. It is noted that the main features of the design of the Nebeliv Temple are repeated in the visual arts of the Cucuteni-Trypillia group. The following main features of construction and planning of the building have been restored: 1. Outdoor yard; 2. Sanctuary before the entrance to the ritual hall; 3. The main ritual hall with a circular balcony around the perimeter of the second floor. It was established that the main ritual hall of the Temple had a structure with a partially open roof or a structure that provided the opening of part of the roof during the rituals. One of the main design features of the Temple was also the «solar corridor» on the east side of the building, which provided the light passage of solar energy on the days of the annual equinoxes. The whole ensemble of the building was complemented by a symbolic image of bull horns, which is a stable element of the structures of the Trypillia Temples. The main purpose of the article is to comprehend the problem of the origin and sacred purpose of the Nebelivka Temple. Factors such as location, position and structure of the structure are investigated. With this, the Trypillia shrine acquires the significance of a monument of national architecture and enters the arena of world culture under the symbol of cosmological religion (for Toporov V. N.). For the first time in religious studies, the features of the construction of the Nebelivka Temple of the Trypillia civilization are highlighted. Also, for the first time, key issues related to the temple ritual practice of the Trypillia ethnic group are revealed.

Source: Zavalii O. (2021). Features of the construction of the Nebelivka Temple: monumental elements, structure and their ritual and religious meaning. Sophia. Human and Religious Studies Bulletin. 17(1): 5-11

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