Scientific Information Agency
09 August 2024

Features of the Russian administrative administration in the Provisional Military Governor-General of Galicia (August 1914 – June 1915)

Features of the Russian administrative administration in the Provisional Military Governor-General of Galicia (August 1914 – June 1915)

The purpose of the article is to highlight the peculiarities of the formation and activities of the Russian military and civilian administration in Eastern Galicia in 1914-1915. In the process of research, we used comparative-historical, structural-system methods of analysis, generalization and synthesis of the same type of factual data and problem-chronological way of presenting the material. Results. The article highlights the main legal documents on the basis of which the formation of the Russian power vertical in the Provisional Military Governor-General of Galicia. It is established that the Russian occupation included military and civilian components. The military management of the Governor-General's Office was concentrated in the Governor-General's headquarters and separate departments: quartermaster's office, military housing, military-sanitary, military-veterinary, military-district controller and commandant. Their main functions were to assist the front and the active Russian army. The civilian life of the region was managed by the governors, the mayor of Lviv and the heads of the counties under the direction of the office of the military governor-general of Galicia. Their tasks were reduced to the socio-economic management of the region and the creation of favorable conditions for the rapid incorporation of Eastern Galicia into the Russian Empire. It is proved that the formation of the administrative apparatus in the Provisional Military Governor-General of Galicia was accompanied by a mass replacement of Austrian officials by Russian representatives at all levels of the power vertical. Such actions were explained primarily by the need to pursue a purposeful state policy that would meet Russia's interests. In addition, the Russian administration had to prevent interethnic conflicts between Ukrainians, Poles, and Jews through a mediator in the face of the new government. However, she did not actually manage to solve these problems. It turned out that Muscovite leaders were trying to incorporate into the Russian authorities and dictate their program of action. However, the proposals of Muscovites due to their radicalism were not taken into account by the Governor-General or were partially taken into account.

Source: Kuchera I., Hainal T., Danyliak R. (2022). Features of the Russian administrative administration in the Provisional Military Governor-General of Galicia (August 1914 – June 1915). Grani. 25(3): 56-62

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