Scientific Information Agency
17 January 2023

Genealogy of the peasant families of Ternivka Cherkasky district of Kyiv governance according to the materials of Revision censuses of the end of 18th – middle of the 19th century

Historical and political researches
Genealogy of the peasant families of Ternivka Cherkasky district of Kyiv governance according to the materials of Revision censuses of the end of 18th – middle of the 19th century

The article is devoted to the study of the genealogy of peasant families  in Ternivka  (Cherkasy district, Kyiv province). As the main sources for streamlining the ancestry of peasant families were selected auditory  «fairy tales»  stored in the State Archives of Kyiv region. The article specified the time of creation of auditory  «fairy tales»  of peasant families in Ternivka  (Cherkasy district,  Kiev province), the current state of their preservation, the information potential of the documents are revealed. Auditory «fairy tales»  helped to establish the dynamics of the number, natural movement, sex-age structure of the peasants of Ternivka for 1795—1834. The history of families (Lyhochas, Tretyak, Bugera), family relationships and relationships were also examined. The main attributes of a person are defined —  there’re  names, surnames, age, place of residence, which appear in the ma-terials of the audit censuses. The author of the study also substantiated the need to use other sources (metric books, confessionals, military accounting materials and kits, etc.) to reconstruct peasant ancestry. Complex information presented in the article will interest museum workers, ar-chivists, amateur historians.

Source: Petrova I. (2020) Genealogy of the peasant families of Ternivka Cherkasky district of Kyiv governance according to the materials of Revision censuses of the end of 18th – middle of the 19th century. Historical and political researches. №1(66): 16-31

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