Scientific Information Agency
10 January 2024

Genesis of ethnic studies on the materials of the journal `Osnova`: research directions and methodology

The research papers of Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University: historical studies
Genesis of ethnic studies on the materials of the journal `Osnova`: research directions and methodology

The purpose of the study is to analyze the ethnic studies of the journal «Osnova» in the framework of building the cultural legitimacy of Ukrainian people, to reproduce and evaluate the methodological approaches of the journal’s authors. Th e methodology of the article is based on the principles of historicism, objectivity and systematic approach. Besides, both general scientific (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction) and special scientific (historical) research methods (historical-comparative, chronological, retrospective and the method of classifi cation) were applied. Scientific novelty of the study is that the ethnological materials of the journal «Osnova» are for the first time separated from a wide range of all publications and examined as a comprehensive system for Ukrainian studies development in the beginning of second half of the 19th century. Th e characteristics of the journal’s most significant ethnic studies were selected and given. The ambiguity of ethnic studies from a scientific point of view was proved. Considering the young condition of ethnographic sciences, some of the materials were based on intuitive conclusions, which is especially evident in the studies of Kyivan Rus period. On the other hand, was noted a wide range of ethnological publications, some of which, related to the life of certain ethnic groups, resettlement of Ukrainians outside ethnic Ukraine, are relevant for modern researchers. Th e methodological transformation in approaches to the study of the past was revealed. Authors P. Shokhin, V. Kokhovskii and O. Storozhenko used a prototype of modern oral history research to reproduce events based on eyewitness accounts. Th e articles of М. Kostomarov, P. Kulish and M. Sukhomlynov proved the use of a methodology similar to cultural anthropology, which corresponded to the level of scientific knowledge of the then Western Europe and to modern theoretical and methodological approaches. Th e special role of M. Kostomarov as the main theorist of the journal, whose level of scientific studies was advanced in the domestic historiography of this period, was noted.

Source: Tonoian A. (2022). Genesis of ethnic studies on the materials of the journal «Osnova»: research directions and methodology. The research papers of Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University: historical studies. 36: 9-22

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