The article researches the problem of the impact of propaganda on the civilian population of the occupied territories of the USSR during the recruitment activities for the Third Reich. Despite the fact that the local population played an insignificant and unenviable role in Germany’s vision of war, the information impact was of particular importance: starting from abduction and deportation of large contingents of workers up to the documented justification of humanity and civilizedness of these activities. The propaganda system was focused on the “Eastern workers” and was distinguished by a good organization, involved a wide range of methods and techniques with a variety of information channels. Nevertheless, it cannot be attributed to the motivation factors for leaving for work in Germany, based only on the citizens’ idea of the unacceptability of cooperation with the enemy. But the very experience of applying the German propaganda in this direction, the variety of reactions to it from both sides shows the problems of deportation and further employment of Soviet citizens in the Third Reich.
Source: Garazha N. (2018). German Propaganda as an Aiding Factor for the Voluntary Recruitment of “Eastern Workers” in the Third Reich. Propaganda in the World and Local Conflicts. Vol. 5(1): 17-25
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