Scientific Information Agency
27 February 2023

Hoard of horse gear items of Cimmerian times from Kyiv region, Ukraine

Revista Arheologica
Hoard of horse gear items of Cimmerian times from Kyiv region, Ukraine

During the earthworks near Biryuky village in Kyiv region, a hoard consisting of 91 metal items, including 3 silver and 88 bronze pieces, was found. This hoard represents items of horse gear and can be attributed to the early Iron Age — 8th century B.C. This is the first time that such items, typical of Central and South-Eastern Europe, are found in this territory. In terms of the number of the items found, this is one of the largest hoards finds known up to date. Attribution, as well as the spectral composition of the items, has been conducted. The composition of the metal elements allows to suggest Naholniy Ridge in Luhansk oblast to be the source of raw materials for manufacturing the bronze and silver items from the hoard. Thus, the questions arise about the manufacturing place of the items and of the ways the raw materials were delivered.

Source: Goshko T., Videiko M. (2022). Hoard of horse gear items of Cimmerian times from Kyiv region, Ukraine. Revista Arheologica. Vol.XVIII, №1: 60-72

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