The impact produced by events occurring in the international arena in 1939 were felt by Romania starting with the summer of 1940 when the country was forced to give up without a fight the Romanian provinces acquired in 1918. Consequences were not only social and economic, but also political, causingKing Carol IIabdication in favour of his son, Mihaiand the investment with full powers to run the Romanian state of GeneralIon Antonescu.Understanding the impact produced by the summer raptures in 1940 among the Romanian population, Antonescu decidedto establish as main objective for both the foreign policy and the domestic one the recovery of these territories. Given hisdecision to participate in the summer of 1941 in the war against USSR, the present study aims to present different measures taken by hisregime during September 1940 — June 1941to regain the lost provinces.
Source: Cazacu E. (2017). Ion Antonescu’s regime during September 1940 – June 1941. Measures taken to regain the lost provinces in the summer of 1940. Romanian Journal of History and International Studies. Vol. 4. Is. 1: 103-124
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