Scientific Information Agency
07 July 2022

Legal status of employees in the Ukrainian Soviet Social Republic (1921–1928)

Intermarum: istoriya, polityka, kulʹtura
Legal status of employees in the Ukrainian Soviet Social Republic (1921–1928)

The  aim of  the  work  is  to  study  the  legal  status  of  employees  in  the Ukrainian SSR in 1921—1928, which had its own peculiar features due to the new  economic  policy  implementation  by  the  Soviet  government  (hereinafter referred  to  as  the  NEP). The  methodology  involves  the  adherence  to  the principles of objectivity, scientific character, and historicism, which facilitated the coherent disclosure of the prerequisites, content and consequences of the Soviet  government  social  policy  implementation  in  the  Ukrainian  SSR,  and highlighted the legal status of employees and the specifics of its codification. The combination of historical and legal methods contributed to the consistency of the research, as well as enabled us to assert the novelty of the material under consideration. The historical research of the NEP in the combination with the regulatory  and  legal  framework  analysis  creates  new  opportunities  for interdisciplinary scientific inquiries. The use of general scientific methods, such as  systematization,  generalization,  chronological  and  comparative  method, historical and legislative method, provides us with a tool to trace the influence of the legal component on the history of the NEP introduction and development in the Ukrainian SSR during the specified period. The scientific novelty aims at providing  a  detailed  historical  and  legal  analysis  of  the  content  of  the Ukrainian  SSR  legislation  system  concerning  the  legal  status  of  employees during the NEP period. The authors comprehensively investigate its positive aspects,  downsides  and  prospects  for  practical  application  in  the  specified period. The  Conclusions. The  article  has  newly  provided  an  article-by-article analysis of regulatory and legal framework, that codified the legal status of Ukrainian SSR employees during the new economic policy (1921—1928). The historical and legislative review of legal provisions enabled us to identify their positive aspects, drawbacks, and prospects for practical application. With the beginning  of  the  curtailment  of  the  NEP,  the  activities  of  social  insurance authorities changed, they began to focus on the industrial development of the country. The policy implemented by the Soviet government in the late 1920s under the leadership of Josef Stalin, demonstrated an expeditious movement towards authoritarianism, which is incompatible with market relations and special care for the «cogs» (little people) of the system. A system based on the Command and  Administration  system  methods  of  managing  the  economy  is  gradually being formed. The increased exploitation of peasants and workers, the use of violence and political repression changed the legal status of employees in many sectors of the economy.

Source: Rudnytska O., Rudnytska N. (2020) Legal status of employees in the Ukrainian Soviet Social Republic (1921–1928). Intermarum: istoriya, polityka, kulʹtura. №8: 41-60

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