Scientific Information Agency
14 July 2023

Memoirs of V. Galan as a Source on the History of the Galician Army

Antiquities of Lukomorie
Memoirs of V. Galan as a Source on the History of the Galician Army

The article is devoted to the analysis of the memoirs of Vladimir Galan (1893-1978) as a source on the history of the Galician army in 1918-1920, its participation in the liberation struggle and the reasons for the failures. The formation and participation of the Galician army artillery in the hostilities of 1918-1920 is considered. Attention is drawn to the personal context of the formation of the memoirs about the events of the Ukrainian revolution, personal motivation to write memoirs. Military memoirs in fact often is the only source for the history of certain military units, conducting combat operations and their direct participants. Considered is the degree of understanding in the memoirs transformational processes of the Ukrainian revolution under the influence of domestic — and foreign-policy situation during of 1917—1921. Memoirs convey the mood of the individuals who left their memories to us. Thanks to them, you can see the versatility of the mentality of the society that fell into the whirlpool of turbulent political events. It is noted that the active use of memoirs will contribute to a more detailed study of the events of the Ukrainian revolution of 1917-1921 by modern historical science.

Source: Parkhomenko V. (2021). Memoirs of V. Galan as a Source on the History of the Galician Army. Antiquities of Lukomorie. 5: 51-59

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