Scientific Information Agency
23 July 2019

Napoleon Russian Forged Assignations in Naddniprianshchyna (Over Dnipro Land)

East European Historical Bulletin
Napoleon Russian Forged Assignations in Naddniprianshchyna (Over Dnipro Land)

The aim of article is generalization of the most completed and authentic facts about French financial diversion in 1812, specification of mistakes and inaccuracy of the previous researches, enlargement of Ukrainian archive depository and museum information; formation of generalized information about existing and forged assignations in legends as well as extension of concepts displaying about the methodology of finding those assignations in the collections and museums as well as in private ownerships. Methodological basics of the research are general scientific and special methods, method of historical periodization, historically comparative, topographic, the method of analysis variety, research of physical and chemical characteristics of paper and ink. Scientific novelty consists in introduction of earlier not published materials from the state archives and museums into scientific circulation which is seen in aggressive activity of original ink. Conclusions. The most full picture of the preparation process for the finance diversion during the war time of 1812 by French people was done and it was extended with evidences from the state archive of Ukraine. A trustworthy peculiarity while discovering French forgery of Russian assignations was established and it fundamentally completes the methodology of discovering of forgeries of this kind in museum and private collections. 

Source: Kotsur V., Boiko-Gagarin A. (2019). Napoleon Russian Forged Assignations in Naddniprianshchyna (Over Dnipro Land). East European Historical Bulletin. Vol. 11: 66-77

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