Scientific Information Agency
20 February 2024

Organization of the rural electrification process in Ukraine during the Post-war period (second half of the 1940s – first half of the 1960s)

Sumy Historical and Archival Journal
Organization of the rural electrification process in Ukraine during the Post-war period (second half of the 1940s – first half of the 1960s)

The article is devoted to the analysis of the characteristic features and peculiarities of the organization and implementation of rural electrification in Ukraine during the first post-war twenty years (1945-1965). The author considered the post-war Soviet government regulations on the development of rural electrification. The authorities envisioned the use of electricity primarily in production processes, betting on the use of renewable energy sources and/or local, cheap fuels. This process took place under the conditions of the administrative-command system, it was authorized and directed centrally, in a directive way at the highest state level. Three periods of implementation of this process are defined: the second half of the 1940s — the beginning of post-war electrification in combination with the reconstruction of the most necessary production and infrastructure facilities; the 1950s — active construction of autonomous power plants and creation of local power grids in rural areas; the first half of the 1960s — complete electrification of villages with centralized connection to a single state power grid. The supply of equipment, installation, repair, supervision, and maintenance of rural power plants was carried out by the regional offices of the Republican Test (later the Main Directorate) of Rural Electrification (“Ukrsilelektro”/”Ukrgolovsilelektro”). However, its effectiveness remained quite low, and the quality of the work performed caused numerous complaints. Electrification cost considerable money, took place unevenly, and depended on many local conditions (the presence of nearby rivers, fuel deposits, industrial facilities, transport connections, etc.). The research is based on materials from the funds of the Central State Archives of Supreme Bodies of Power and Government of Ukraine and the Central State Archives of Public Associations and Ukrainians.

Source: Korol V.M. (2023) Organization of the rural electrification process in Ukraine during the Post-war period (second half of the 1940s – first half of the 1960s). Sumy historical and archival journal. №XLI: 14-22

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