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17 January 2022

Participation of nobles in the Country assembly of the Bessarabian Governorate during the First World War

Sumy Historical and Archival Journal
Participation of nobles in the Country assembly of the Bessarabian Governorate during the First World War

This work is devoted to the issue of governorate zemstvos, to the consideration of issues that were resolved during the First World War, as well as to the study of the participation of nobles in the zemstvo governorate and county assembly. The abolition of serfdom was the reason for the creation of zemstvos. They were necessary for the exercise of local self-government in the administrative-territorial units of the Russian Empire. In the second half of the XIX — early XX century zemstvos had an important place in the social and economic development of all governorates of the Russian Empire, on which territory they were formed. All issues of social and economic security of the governorate were decided at the Governorate Zemstvo Assembly. Estimates of expected revenues and expenditures for the year were discussed at these meetings during the First World War. The issues of providing the necessary funding for the organization of work of zemstvo institutions, providing social security to the employees of zemstvo organizations were also considered. During the First World War, the issues related to the payment of social assistance to refugees and families of lower military ranks were added to the current ones. Qualified personnel were needed to ensure the work of the zemstvo bodies. They were representatives of the highest social class. The leaders of the County Zemstvo Assembly of the Bessarabian governorate held the positions of members of the town council in the Governorate Zemstvo Assembly. As a result of research based on the address-calendars of the Bessarabian governorate using statistical and chronological methods, it became known that the nobles held almost all the positions of members of the town council in the Governorate Zemstvo Assembly during the First World War. In 1914 and before the elections held in 1915, their number was 94.5%, and after the election of 1915, their number was already 94.1%. Upon the amendments in the legislation of the Russian Empire in 1890, the landowners, who were representatives of the small nobility, had the right to participate in the election of county members of the town council.

Source: Zakharova O.V. (2020) Participation of nobles in the Country assembly of the Bessarabian Governorate during the First World War. Sumy historical and archival journal. №XXXV: 5-11

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