The aim of the paper is to investigate the history of formation of the personal archival fond of orientalist, slavic scholar, historian of Ukrainian language and literature Ahatanhel Yukhymovych Krymskyi (1871—1942), to review new acquisitions, to find out the principles of classification and systematization of documents, to reveal their composition and content. Methodology of the research. Historical-comparative, chronological, source-research methods, method of classification and systematization of documents and information were used in the study of the topic. Scientific novelty is determined by the fact that the topic of work in this formulation of the question is considered for the first time and is that the history of formation and the current state of acquisition of the personal archival fond of A. Y. Krymskyi is analyzed. A set of new archival documents relating to the life and work of a scientist has been introduced into scientific circulation, and the principles of their classification and systematization have been clarified. Conclusions. It was found out that the source of the fond was a set of documents received in 1961 from M. A. Krymskyi and later small but valuable acquisitions from concerned private owners, in particular, from M. Ponomarenko, E. Tsyhankova, V. Khomenko and publishing house “Scientific Thought”, as well as documents that were reveal in the fonds of the Institute of Manuscript. A review of new acquisitions of documents received during 2013—2020 by the personal fond of A. Y. Krymskyi was carried out. During the classification and formation of storage units, the systematization of documents according to the thematic-species principle was applied, due to which it was possible to single out and systematized such groups: documents of Ahatanhel Yukhymovych Krymskyi, photo documents, documents about fondraiser, documents of relatives, documents of other persons; their composition and content are revealed. A set of new archival documents was introduced into scientific circulation-epistolary, economic-property and household documents and official correspondence with the executive authorities, photographs by A. Y. Krymskyi; memoirs of F. I. Lavrov, M. Demianchuk-Haidamaky, M. A. Krymskyi, I. Y. Hrechykhyn about the life and work of the scientist; the archive was supplemented with documents of relatives: Y. S. Krymskyi, M. Z. Levchenko, O. S. Kashtanova and M. A. Krymskyi and other persons.
Source: Korchemna I., Zubkova N. (2021). Personal archive of Ahatanhel Krymskyi at Institute of Manuscript of V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine: history of formation and review of new acquisitions in 2013–2020. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine. №27: 367-378
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