The aim of the study is coverage of the conditional «second period» of Fedir Liubartovych’s life, which he spent mainly on the Rus lands of Kingdom of Poland (approximately 1406/1407—1431); the establishment of the structure of the prince’s possessions, as well as the determination of their state and legal status. The methodological basis of the study includes the principles of historicism, science, objectivity and consistency. Such general and special methods as analysis, synthesis, historical-chronological, comparative-historical, historical-systemic, internal and external criticism of sources, comparative textology were also used. Scientific novelty. In the study, a maximum of information relating to the studied period of the biography of Fedir Liubartovych was collected, analyzed and systematized; a complete and critically verified list of «zhydachivski letters» was compiled (including the use of some unpublished texts contained in the Crown Metric); the state-legal status of possessions belonging to Liubartovych in the territory of Kingdom of Poland was determined. Conclusions. Relations of Fedir Liubartovych with his cousin, King Władysław Jagiełło, in the first third of the 15th century (unlike the end of the fourteenth century) were stably benevolent. Most likely, in 1406—1407, Liubartovych received worthy possessions within Kingdom of Poland, namely the towns of Stryi, Zhydachiv and Koropets with their county districts (districtus). However, these were not fullfledged specific principalities, but only lifelong possessions (tenuta), that could be transferred to the close relatives of Władysław Jagiełło. Within them, Liubartovych had the right to jurisdiction over local feudal lords, however, he could not grant land ownership, because the Polish king was the owner of these lands. That is to say, the term «Duchy of Zhydachiv», which can be found in modern literature, is not entirely correct. Fedir Liubartovych remained faithful to Orthodoxy all his life. The prince was officially the holder and ktytor of the Univ Monastery. And after his death, his name was included in several Orthodox commemoratives.
Source: Kelembet S. (2020). Prince Fedir (Fediushko) Liubartovych: Possessions in Crown Rus and Their State and Legal Status. Ukrainian Historical Journal. №4: 4-20
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