In the article have been considered the conditions of production activity of burghers and peasants of Volhynia, engaged in various trades and crafts during the time of this region being part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The main purpose of the article have been found out and characterize the peculiarities of everyday production practice of Volyn residents. In the article have been used the following historical methodology: descriptive, historicalcomparative, historical-chronological methods, the method of critical analysis. It has been determined that from the end of the 14th to the middle of the 16th century the Volynians changed their approach to their profession, there was a constant improvement of inventory, as well as more products were produced to improve the competitiveness of the master. The connection between town and village in the production process has been investigated. It consisted of supplying food to the city from the villages and supplies from the city to the villages. In addition, the causes of conflicts between the city and the village have been described. The relations of artisans with the authorities have been described. It has been found out that Volynians actively defended their self-governing and professional rights. It have been found that the nature of the artisan's influence influenced human selfidentification and the formation of surnames. The negative consequences of the fight against competition have been analyzed, which were characterized by the beating of subjects or their detention and even murder. It have been researched that the population often combined several crafts and trades to make a profit. The research shows the importance of studying the everyday history of a particular nation or local group, which is in the relevant political environment.
Source: Tarasiuk M. (2020) Production activity of Volynins of the Lithuanian era: conditions and everyday practice. Zaporizhzhia historical review. 2(54)
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