Scientific Information Agency
09 February 2023

Public activity of Spiro Gulabchev in Ukraine at the end of the XIX century

Scientific Bulletin of the Nikolaev National University named after V.O. Sukhomlinsky. Historical sciences
Public activity of Spiro Gulabchev in Ukraine at the end of the XIX century

The article deals with some aspects of the activities of the famous Bulgarian public figure and revolutionary Spiro Gulabchev in Ukraine at the end of the XIX century. The significance of Ukrainian communities in shaping the views of Gulabchev is emphasized. On the basis of archival documents, are highlighted his attempts to create a "book” movement in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, as well as in Bulgarian and European cities. A detailed consideration of the case of Gulabchev's work, instituted by the tsar's secret police.

Source: Gamza V. (2018). Public activity of Spiro Gulabchev in Ukraine at the end of the XIX century. Scientific Bulletin of the Nikolaev National University named after V.O. Sukhomlinsky. Historical sciences. №1(45): 25-31

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