Scientific Information Agency
16 August 2023

Structure and activity of social security bodies of the Romanian occupation government in Odessa (1941-1944)

Antiquities of Lukomorie
Structure and activity of social security bodies of the Romanian occupation government in Odessa (1941-1944)

This work researches the structure, legislative support and policies of the institutions of the Romanian occupational government in Odessa in 1941-1944. It also gives the overall evaluation of the effectiveness of the social policies applied by the occupational government and supports it by introducing all currently available paperwork which was used to apply and regulate social care in the occupied Transnistria. The work also states, which social groups were considered to be endangered; how many social care institutions were created or remained intact by occupational government, and how have they been funded. This information comes from the archive funds of region’s Goverorate, Pension department, Patronage Council of Social Guardianship of the City Hall of Odessa Municipality, Directorate of Health of the Governorate of Transnistria, Medical and Sanitary Directorate of Odessa Municipality, which are now stored in the State Archives of Odessa region. The work also considered legal norms that later formed the orders and directives of the Transnistria Governorate The adequateness and effectiveness of the actual steps made to reach the goals set by the regional occupational government are considered by comparing the positive and normative statements about social care institutions. The result of the research is a complete picture on how the social care in the occupied Odessa during the Second World War was organised, how it functioned, which goals it targeted and how did it managed to achieve them.

Source: Babich O. (2021). Structure and activity of social security bodies of the Romanian occupation government in Odessa (1941-1944). Antiquities of Lukomorie. 6: 64-74

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