Scientific Information Agency
17 July 2022

The Castle in Proszkow as an Example of the Palazzo in Fortezza Architecture Trend in Poland

The Castle in Proszkow as an Example of the Palazzo in Fortezza Architecture Trend in Poland

This paper presents the results of a research that was carried out in a castle in Prószków, a town near Opole, Poland. The investigations were based on the conducted architectural research, in-cluding iconographic studies and the analysis of the technology, building materials, and architectural details. The conducted research demonstrated that the Renaissance structure in question was built by Baron Jerzy Prószkowski as a palazzo in fortezza, most likely in the years 1563—1571. The residence is planned around a rectangular courtyard with four bastion towers. The scope of the architectural transformations of the complex during the baroque period and the 19th century was also presented. In the summary, it was highlighted that the castle is one of the first buildings located north of the Alps that refers to the designs of Villa Farnese in Caprarolli, which was designed by Giacomo Barozzi da Vignioli. It is in the style of palazzo in Fortezza, similar to residences in Czechia, Silesia, and Poland. Here, we emphasized the uniqueness of the complex, which stands out from other residences in Silesia and areas of the former Republic of Poland due its original form and innovative solutions.

Source: Legendziewicz A., Marcinów A. (2021) The Castle in Prószków as an Example of the Palazzo in Fortezza Architecture Trend in Poland. Arts. 10(2): 21

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