The text continues the reflections (“In the Realm of Myth, or What Did Not Determine the 1697 Election of Augustus II to the Polish Throne” [KH 129, 2022, 4, pp. 797—821]). Its purpose is to establish what really decided in the last days of the 1697 Election Sejm that, in a split election, the Polish nobility chose, alongside French Prince François Louis de Conti, the least expected candidate — a convert from Lutheranism, the Saxon Elector Friedrich August I Wettin (August II). The author reconstructs the last days of the Sejm, confronting diplomatic and diary relations with the records of the Sejm proceedings.
Source: Kosińska U. (2023). The Decisive Night of 26/27 June 1697, or What Determined the Election of August II to the Polish Throne. Kwartalnik Historyczny. №CXXX. 1: 5-50
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