France was the main ally of the Second Polish Republic and, at the same time, its key source of capital. The power difference between the two countries and France’s raw materials and infrastructure investments in Poland gave rise to imperialist interpretations of Polish-French economic relations. In this text, I analyse the history of a railway concession granted in 1924 to a Polish-French consortium by the government in Warsaw. I show that even within the asymmetrical context of Polish-French relations, the weaker side had room for manoeuvre during the negotiations. On occasion, the success of the ventures of French companies’ depended on decisions taken in Warsaw.
Source: Łazor J. (2021) The First Franco-Polish Railway Concession of 1924. A Contribution to the Financial and Economic Relations between Poland and France after the First World War. Kwartalnik Historyczny. №CXXVIII: 785-812
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