The purpose of the study is to understand how the representative of the Ukrainian diaspora in Canada and the diaspora, Bohdan Havrylyshyn, managed to incorporate into Ukrainian society and the state during the period of restoration of its statehood. The author analyzed the activities of the well-known representative of the diaspora, Bohdan Gavrylyshyn, in favor of independent Ukraine. The main milestones of his biography are presented. Since childhood, he wanted to become a sufficiently authoritative person to influence the development of Ukrainian society. The periods of his life in such countries as Poland, Canada, Switzerland and Ukraine are revealed. The factors influencing the formation of the outlook of the future scientist and public figure are described. The formation of Bohdan Gavrylyshyn’s professional career and his gaining authority in the world as an excellent lecturer, scientist and director of the Management Training Center in Geneva are considered. His first three visits to Ukraine were analyzed. His friendly contacts in Ukraine, the institutions he founded (International Institute of Management in Kyiv, International Foundation «Renaissance», International Center for Prospective Studies), their influence and significance for Ukrainian society are shown. The creation of the Advisory Council under the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is described. His actions in favor of Plast, in particular during the time when he headed it, are highlighted. In particular, assistance regarding Plast’s entry into the World Organization of the Scout Movement. The activity of the Bohdan Havrylyshyn Charitable Foundation was shown, which aimed to prepare projects and internship programs for a new generation of Ukrainians to teach them to work in teams and be able to play a leading role in Ukrainian society.
Source: Gavrylyshyn P.M. (2022). The help of the ukrainian diaspora for Ukraine: the example of Bohdan Hawrylyshyn. Sumy historical and archival journal. №XXXIX: 33-40
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