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27 May 2023

The King Danylo Romanovich in Rus`-Mongolian Relations: Discussion Questions of Historiography

V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Bulletin ‘History of Ukraine. Ukrainian Studies: Historical and Philosophical Sciences
The King Danylo Romanovich in Rus`-Mongolian Relations: Discussion Questions of Historiography

The article analyzes topical issues of the Rus’-Mongolian relations of the times of King of Rus’ Danylo Romanovich. The consideration of the discussion aspects of political relations between Rus’ and the Golden Horde in the historiography is analyzed. It is concluded that the impression made by the Mongols on young Prince Danylo during the Battle on the Kalka River prompted him to  engage  in  reforming  his  own  army  borrowing  from  Mongolian  tactics  and  weapons.  The establishment  of  the  power  of  the  Galician-Volyn  ruler  in  Kyiv  in  1239  caused  the  Mongol conquerors to seize not only the ancient capital of Rus’, but also the towns Volodymyr and Galich. Danylo Romanovich’s attempts to organize a joint struggle with the Hungarians and Poles against mongols in the 1240s and 1241s failed. Despite the fact that the campaigns of the Mongol troops caused great losses, we consider the hypothesis of the complete desolation of the Rus’ Land to be obsolete  and  unsubstantiated.  At  the  same  time  Bolokhivshchyna  and  Pereyaslavshchyna  were under the direct authority of Mongolian officials. Instead, the dependence of the Galich and Volyn lands on the Mongols was nominal because the Romanoviches continued to pursue independent domestic and foreign policies. Danylo’s status as a “mirnik” of Khan Batu facilitated a political alliance with the Hungarian King Bela IV. The political agreement of Danylo Romanovich with Andriy Yaroslavovich caused a sharp negative reaction in the Mongols. After the victory of Nevruy over  the  Prince  of  Vladimir-Suzdal  in  1252  against  Danylo  Kuremsa  began  military  action. However,  due  to  the  decisive  actions  of  Romanoviches  Kuremsa  was  repeatedly  defeated.  The confirmation of Danylo Romanovich’s sovereign status was his coronation in the second half of 1253. The last stage of the relations of King of Rus’ Danylo Romanovich with the Mongols took place in the late 50’s — early 60’s of  the XIII century. Burundai was able not  only to destroy Danyl’s  alliance  with  Lithuania,  but  also  to  restore  Khan’s  dominion  over  Romanovich’s possessions. It is important to emphasize that Romanovichi remained in the status of “mirnik” not “dannik” as rulers of Northeast Rus’. The absence of the Basques, as well as the transfer by the Mongols of the shortcut to Kyiv to the Vladimir-Suzdal Princes directly dependent on the Golden Horde once again underlines another legal status of the Galician and Volyn Lands.

Source: Chuhui T.O. (2019) The King Danylo Romanovich in Rus’-Mongolian Relations: Discussion Questions of Historiography. V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Bulletin ‘History of Ukraine. Ukrainian Studies: Historical and Philosophical Sciences. 29: 6-24

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