The research of the activity of regional institutes is an essential part of national history study. In 1920s such institutions were represented by local units of the Commission on the History of Ukrainian Revolution and the Communist party of All-Ukrainian Central Executive Committee (Istpart). They focused on the advancement of the revolution movement in Ukraine, the course of events during the Russian Revolution of 1905 and the October Revolution (the processes of the later in Ukrainian historiography are investigated in the context of the development of Ukrainian National Democratic Revolution as Russian intervention), the activity of the left-wing political organizations, trade unions, the Communist party itself and its youth branch. This research specifies the essence of the activity of the Konotop Istpart. Firstly, the stages of the Istpart operation under the Konotop Regional Party Committee, from the origin of the Konotop Regional Commission of Istpart in August 1925 to the elimination of the Konotop district, are characterized. Secondly, the contribution of the Konotop Istpart to the formation of an actual database of the past of sociopolitical conflicts in the early twentieth century is emphasized. Thirdly, the peculiarities of Istpart operation in the administrative centre are analysed; the qualitative composition of Konotop Istpart devision is estimated; the methods, which Konotop Istpart workers used are defined; the obstacles that prevented them from carrying out research work successfully are clarified. Finally, the collection The 1905th in Konotopshchyna is researched separately and the arguments of the reviewers against it are countered.
Source: Kudinov D. V. (2018). The outline of the activity of the Konotop Ispart. Ancient Sumy Land. №LІІ: 19-37
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