This study examines museum presentations and educational activities in the area of technical museology, on the example of the Technical Museum in Brno (Czech Republic). Technical museology counts among the most popular segments of museum culture employed, in particular, in the popularization of science and technology. Through their exhibition activities, as well as museum and educational activities, museums approach target groups of visitors including pupils and students from all types of schools. Museums of technology have documented and mediated the progress in technology in society for nearly 200 years through a wide range of activities, especially in the form of the visualization of technological procedures of production, from the processing of a material to a finished product. This contribution analyses and assesses the basic presentation, educational and scientific activities of the Technical Museum in Brno. It conveys the manners of its communication with the public, as well as the particularities of technical museology.
Source: Lucie Jagošová, Otakar Kirsch, Pavol Tišliar (2019). The Potential of Museums in the Mediation of Science and Technology. Museum Presentation and Education on the Example of the Technical Museum in Brno (Czech Republic). European Journal of Contemporary Education. 8(1): 240-253.
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