Scientific Information Agency
12 June 2021

The private paper money circulating in the Ukrainian cities during the Revolution of 1917-1921: the source critique of the outward signs)

City History, Culture, Society
The private paper money circulating in the Ukrainian cities during the Revolution of 1917-1921: the source critique of the outward signs)

In the paper the historiography of the problem is examined. The critique of the privet paper money which was circulating in the Ukrainian lands in 1917—1921 is conducted. The characteristics of such critique are shown and its distinctions from the critique of the state paper money are identified. The external signs of the bonds’ obverse and reverse are analyzed. The heraldic, emblematic, iconographic, sphragistic, neographic, filigree, ornamental, chronological  and  metrological  elements  of  the  Ukrainian  privet  paper  money  appearance  are  investigated  and  the  role of these features is identified. The emblems, seals, imprints, signatures, series, numbers, dates are pointed out to be the most informative signs of the privet paper money. So, in the article the great significance of the sphragistic, neographic and chronological data is underlined. By means of the text analysis the issuers of bonds are identified. The critique of the bonds’ external features also showed the reasons of emission, the emitters’ guaranties and the scale of the privet paper money circulation.

Source: Shyshkina Y., Motenko Y. (2019) The private paper money circulating in the Ukrainian cities during the Revolution of 1917-1921: the source critique of the outward signs. City History, Culture, Society. № 6: 53-64

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