The article examines the history of attempts to return the archives of the central authorities of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania to Belarus in the 1920s, provides information on their composition and structure, analyzes the significance of this part of the archival heritage in the views of representatives of the scientific elite and the state leadership of the republic. The conclusion is made about the close interpretation of the value of the complex of originals of acts of national importance of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania archive with the archives of the office of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania — the Metrics of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The decisive role in the problem of the return of the Belarusian archives of the teaching staff of the Belarusian State University is reflected, including its first rector, professor U. I. Pichetа. Their great contribution to the development of the scientific argumentation of the significance of these archival materials for the domestic science and culture, introduction of this subject into the educational process of the Belarusian State University is noted.
Source: Latushkin A.N. (2019) The role of the Belarusian State University in the processes of returning the archival heritage of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 1920s. Journal of the Belarusian State University. History. №. 1: 10-22
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