Based on analysis of the archival material kept at the State Archives in Venice (Archivio di Stato di Venezia, fond Inquisitori sopra l’amministrazione dei pubblici ruoli), State Archives in Zadar (Državni arhiv u Zadru, fond Spisi generalnih providura), Historical Archives in Kotor (Istorijski arhiv u Kotoru, fond Sudsko-notarski spisi) and Diocesan Archives in Kotor (Biskupski arhiv u Kotoru, fond Matične knjige katedrale sv. Tripuna u Kotoru), this article highlights the military career of Tripun Gregorina from Kotor, from his first mention in military service as captain (1736), his military activity in the rank of sergeant major (sargente maggiore) from the 1750s, to his rise to the lieutenant colonel (tenente colonnello) in 1774. Attention has been focused on Gregorina’s career as commander (colonnello) of a cavalry regiment (1775-1791), with special emphasis on the company (compagnia) of which he was directly in charge (its size, native origin of the soldiers, recruitment of soldiers and other). Appended are several lists of the company’s men under the military command of Tripun Gregorina.
Source: Čoralić L., Katušić M. (2017). Tripun Gregorina of Kotor (1719-1791) - Colonel of the Croatian Cavalry (Croati a cavallo). Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Dubrovniku. №.55/2: 375-406
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