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26 December 2024

Turkish Soviet Relations in The Suat Hayri Urguplu Government Period

History Studies. International Journal of History
Turkish Soviet Relations in The Suat Hayri Urguplu Government Period

The relations between Turkey and the Soviet Union were established in the period of Ataturk and Lenin. In this period, new regimes were established in both countries. Relations were developed with friendship agreements signed in the 1920s. Good relations began to deteriorate during the Second World War. During the Second World war, the Soviet Union forced Turkey to go to war with them. Also, demand of Sovet Union land from Turkey at the end of the Second World War brought relationships to breaking point. Owing to this demand and threat, the support of Western states was needed. As a result, Turkey entered NATO in February 1952 to secure itself from the threats. Towards the middle of the 1960s, the problems with the USA because of the Cyprus issues led Turkey to develop warm relations with the Soviet Union. Turkish-Soviet relations, which entered the softening process between 1960-1964, gained a new momentum in 1965. After the Suat Hayri Ürgüplü government was established in February 1965, economic, political and commercial relations developed rapidly. Firstly, the Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko visited Turkey in this period. Then-Prime Minister Urguplu visited the Soviet Union. As a result of mutual visits, a wide trade and cooperation agreement was made and political relations reached to a high level. Good relations during the Urgupli government facilitated the establishment of Soviet-backed heavy industry investments in the following years. In this study, after looking at the short history of Turkish-Soviet relations, development of these relations in the period of Suat Hayri Ürgüplü Government were disclosed. Issues were analysed by investigating the archive sources and newspapers of the period.

Source: Kırpık C., Kalkancı K. (2021). Turkish Soviet Relations in The Suat Hayri Ürgüplü Government Period. History Studies. International Journal of History. 13(1): 285–300

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