Scientific Information Agency
19 June 2022

Ukraine in the Ranks of the United Nations: Legitimization and Contribution to the Fight Against Nazism and Fascism During World War II

Ukrainian historical journal
Ukraine in the Ranks of the United Nations: Legitimization and Contribution to the Fight Against Nazism and Fascism During World War II

The purpose of the study is to reveal the role and place of Ukraine in World War II, to find out the contribution of the Ukrainian people to the United Nations victory over the Axis bloc and peace in the postwar world, to show the circumstances under which Ukraine became a UN co-founder, outline the main strategies and trajectories of overcoming the war and overcoming its consequences. The research methodology is based on a wide range of interdisciplinary methods of cognition (including history, political science, international law, military anthropology), which reconstructed events related to the historical fate of the people of Ukraine during World War II. Scientific novelty. On the basis of various sources and developments of leading experts it is substantiated the significant contribution of the people of Ukraine to the victory over Nazism and fascism, which, despite all the sacrifices, was officially recognized as the winner in this war by leading members of the Anti-Hitler coalition. Thanks to in-depth calculations, a new figure has been established, illustrating the number of residents of the republic mobilized and called up for service in the Soviet Armed Forces in the period 1939—1945. Conclusions. UkrSSR became one of the largest theatres of hostilities of World War II. This determined the scale of involvement of its human, raw materials, industrial, energy resources by all warring parties, humanitarian and material losses, losses caused to all sectors of the economy and social sphere, the nature of the occupation regimes in this area. The events of the war era actualized various aspects of the Ukrainian factor in the events of the World War II. The course of hostilities on the territory of the republic, the evacuation measures of the Soviet government, the predatory policy of the German and Romanian occupiers caused the complete devastation of the republic and its depopulation. The contribution of the people of Ukraine to the victory over Nazism, fascism and militarism, achieved in cooperation with the United Nations, has been recognized as the leading states of the world. Despite Stalin’s diplomatic game with “inflated stakes” in the contacts of members of the “Big Three”, Ukraine’s participation as a subject of international law in the founding of the United Nations should be interpreted as a legitimizing measure of recognition of our people’s contribution to victory, as well as an act of historical justice. Outlining the socio-political, economic, socio-cultural, humanitarian consequences of the war for the Ukrainian people, it should be emphasized that in its last stage and in the postwar period the Kremlin did not abandon repression as an instrument of domestic policy and militarization of the economy at the expense of social sphere.

Source: Hrytsiuk V., Lysenko O., Pokotylo O. (2020). Ukraine in the Ranks of the United Nations: Legitimization and Contribution to the Fight Against Nazism and Fascism During World War II. Ukrainian Historical Journal. №3: 4-26

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