Scientific Information Agency
14 December 2020

«Ukrainian Cases» of Anarchists-«Repeaters»

Antiquities of Lukomorie
«Ukrainian Cases» of Anarchists-«Repeaters»

The article covers a little-known campaign of state terror in Soviet Ukraine in 1947-1949 against anarchists who remained the faithful to the radical ideology of former an-archists. During these years, the Soviet punitive authorities launched a new phase of extermi-nation of «suspicious» elements as «dangerous state criminals,» re-arresting and sending to camps and exiles anarchists who had served all their sentences and found themselves in set-tlement or to freedom. On the specific examples of famous historical figures: the leader and theorist  of  anarchism  A.Andreiev  and  his  wife  Z.Handlevska,  Makhno’s  commander  and propagandist M.Uralov and ordinary «dissatisfied with the regime» citizens who allowed «left»radical statements about the Soviet system, (from the point of view of law and logic) of the campaign of state terror. The fates of the victims show that the Stalinist regime was aimed at complete spiritual and legal subjugation of the people.

Source: Savchenko V. (2020) «Ukrainian Cases» of Anarchists-«Repeaters». Antiquities of Lukomorie. №1(1): 155-164

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