Scientific Information Agency
10 December 2023

Volyn regional Museum archaeological collection on scientific periodical pages of Independence time

Sumy Historical and Archival Journal
Volyn regional Museum archaeological collection on scientific periodical pages of Independence time

The article examines Volyn regional Museum archaeological collection (hereinafter — VRM) through the prism of scientific researches published in domestic periodicals during the period of Ukraine’s independence. The relevance of the research is related to the necessity of study and popularization of the transitive archaeological heritage, which performs important sociocultural functions, such as the restoration of historical memory and the preservation of cultural self-identification of identity, which is especially relevant due to modern events, the influence of neighboring cultures and growing globalization. During the research, author characterized the quantitative composition of VRM archaeological collection. At the end of 2022, it had 23,880 registration numbers, which makes the collection one of the largest archaeological collections in Western Ukraine. The author noted that the accumulation of archaeological objects inVRM collections did not go unnoticed by scientists from various cities and institutions. The results of their researches were usually published in the form of articles and reports in domestic scientific periodicals and magazines. The main tasks followed by the researchers were the involvement of the archaeological collection objects to the scientific circulation, their attribution clarification, comprehensive analysis of the incomes. The author assorted all scientific publications related to the VRM archaeological collection according to several criteria. One of the main ones is their writing form and style. Reviews and analytical publications are highlighted. In the first ones, authors described collections or selections of objects, characterized their external features and functional purpose. Most of them are written in short informative messages form. On the other hand, in analytical publications objects from different monuments were compared , was presented their indepth interpretation, and were drown conclusions about particular ethno-cultural or ethno-historical issues. Almost all analytical publications are written as large scientific articles. Another important criterion for the publications systematization of the VHLM archaeological collection is the scientific publications type in which they were published. Conventionally, they can be divided into informative archaeological collections, regional historical and local history publications, all-Ukrainian specialist publications on archeology and ancient history. The largest number of articles written about the VRM collections belong to H. Okhrimenko, and they were also actively researched by the State Enterprise “Volyn Starozhytnosti” employees. Researchers paid special attention to materials from the Neolithic, Bronze Age, Middle Ages, and early modern times. Despite a significant number of publications, most objects from the VRM archaeological collection have not been introduced into scientific circulation, and many artifacts require re-attribution.

Source: Verba T.V. (2023). Volyn regional Museum archaeological collection on scientific periodical pages of Independence time. Sumy historical and archival journal. №XL. 2023: 36-48

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