The article is devoted to main tendencies of women’s studies and gender history of GDL in soviet and postsoviet historiography. The author shows the specific features of these national schools. In Russian historiography, for example, Great Duchy of Lithuinia very often is only an object for comparativistic researches of Russian native history. Ukrainian and Byelorussian gender studies are related to scientific problems of national identity and cultural collective memory. The point of view to the historical development of GDL as a part of common European processes is typical for Polish or Lithuanian researchs. As we can see, these attitudes have great influence to gender studies’ development. The author tries to find out how all these tendencies are able to specify subjects of gender researchs. The analysis of the most significant gender researches is also included.
Source: Pelipenko T.I. (2020) Women’s Studies and Gender History of Great Duchy of Lithuinia in Soviet and Postsoviet Historiography (Main Tendencies). Bylye Gody. Vol. 58. Is. 4: 2280-2291
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