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Topics by keywords: borderland

Territorium Ludemir. Magnates and Cistercians in the Polish-Slovak Borderland in the First Half of the 13th century
Res Gestae. Historical Journal
Territorium Ludemir. Magnates and Cistercians in the Polish-Slovak Borderland in the First Half of the 13th century

Magnates and Cistercians in the Polish-Slovak Borderland

Naklerov - a Partially Extinct Borderland Village as a Cultural-Historical Phenomenon
Res Gestae. Historical Journal
Naklerov - a Partially Extinct Borderland Village as a Cultural-Historical Phenomenon

Borderland Village as a Cultural-Historical Phenomenon

Northern Frontier of Russia and Norway in the 13th-17th centuries
Bylye Gody
Northern Frontier of Russia and Norway in the 13th-17th centuries

Northern Frontier of Russia and Norway

