Scientific Information Agency

Topics by keywords: icon

Image of Holy Great Martyr Barbara in Ukrainian graphics of 17th–18th centuries
Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine
Image of Holy Great Martyr Barbara in Ukrainian graphics of 17th–18th centuries

Image of Holy Great Martyr Barbara in Ukrainian graphics

Icons and frescoes by the painter Antonio of Kostur (1550-1560)
Icons and frescoes by the painter Antonio of Kostur (1550-1560)

Icons and frescoes by the painter Antonio of Kostur (1550-1560)

Royal Divine Coronation Iconography. Preliminary Considerations
Royal Divine Coronation Iconography. Preliminary Considerations

Royal Divine Coronation Iconography

Beards that matter. Visual representations of Patriarch Ignatios in Byzantine art
Beards that matter. Visual representations of Patriarch Ignatios in Byzantine art

Visual representations of Patriarch Ignatios in Byzantine art

Unknown Russian icons at the Holy Lavra of Saint Sabbas the Sanctified in Palestine and their iconography
Unknown Russian icons at the Holy Lavra of Saint Sabbas the Sanctified in Palestine and their iconography

Unknown Russian icons at the Holy Lavra of Saint Sabbas the Sanctified in Palestine

