Scientific Information Agency

Topics by keywords: personnel

Municipal Healthcare in the Cities of the Katerynoslav Governorate (1870 – 1913)
City: History, Culture, Society
Municipal Healthcare in the Cities of the Katerynoslav Governorate (1870 – 1913)

Municipal Healthcare in the Katerynoslav Governorate

«Nomenclature embryo»: the birth of the Soviet nomenclature system in SSRB – BSSR (1920–1924)
Journal of the Belarusian State University. History
«Nomenclature embryo»: the birth of the Soviet nomenclature system in SSRB – BSSR (1920–1924)

Soviet nomenclature system in SSRB — BSSR

Mobilization to the active army of the UPR in 1918-1920s: organization and performance (Thruogh the recollections of participants)
Intermarum: istoriya, polityka, kulʹtura
Mobilization to the active army of the UPR in 1918-1920s: organization and performance (Thruogh the recollections of participants)

Mobilization to the active army of the UPR in 1918-1920s

The Peninsula of the Southern Front in the July offensive of 1943
Journal of International Network Center for Fundamental and Applied Research
The Peninsula of the Southern Front in the July offensive of 1943

The Peninsula of the Southern Front 

