Four gold coins were found during the 2008 excavations in the Roman fort at Răcari (Oltenia), in latus dextrum, allegedly used as praetorium. As they were minted in the time of Vespasian, the fact could cast doubts for the chronology of the first phase of the fort, as stated before. The paper is resuming the basics known about the phases of the fortification and their date, giving some details about the conditions of the discovery. The coins themselves are depicted as they were before cleaning, but missing a proper catalogue, as the numismatist left the publication project. The work is concluded by some commentaries about the type of the enclosure of the first phase, compared with the most common traits of a marching camp, as well as some historical remarks, as, for instance, the value of that lost deposit.
Source: Teodor E. (2020) A small aurei deposit found in Răcari fort. Journal of Ancient History and Archeology. Vol.7, №1: 33-41
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