Scientific Information Agency
25 May 2020

Votkinsk-Built Boats on Khoper

History and Historians in the Context of the Time
Votkinsk-Built Boats on Khoper

The paper analyzes photographs and references in the local history literature of Uryupinsk regarding Votkinsk-built boats that worked on Khoper: “Pobedny”, “Moskva” (“Smely”) and “Leningrad” (“Boyky”). It is concluded that, most likely, “Moskva” is a former factory boat “Pobeda”. «Leningrad» is an unfinished building, finally completed at the Stalingrad shipyard. “Pobedny” was a serial boat of unknown construction, which at one time worked at the Votkinsk plant. The first two boats in the late 1950-s were overhauled with the replacement of two gasoline engines with one diesel engine and possibly decommissioned in December 1961. “Pobedny” worked at the crossing until the 1960-s.

Source: Mitiukov N. (2019) Votkinsk-Built Boats on Khoper. History and Historians in the Context of the Time. 17(1): 9-19

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Number of views: 1986
