The article describes a complex of activities of cultural-educational and scientific institutions, known as “public patronage of Kyiv region over the Stalin region”. The chronologically active phase of its implementation coincides with the years of the first five-year plan from 1929 to 1932. Further it was transformed into a social orders format. The aim of the research, based on the analysis of the periodicals of Kyiv, Stalin, Mariupol, Lugansk and the journal “News of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences”, was to investigate the cooperation between the Kyiv’s institutions and factories and the coalindustrial region of Ukraine — Donbas, which initially became the form of cultural charity assistance, subsequently turned into scientific and practical assistance to miners and metallurgists of the Donbas; to define the role of All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in this process, which began on the wave of Ukrainization and the first five years plan of industrialization. The patronage rapidly transformed from a predominantly educational and cultural to a scientific and practical project on assistance in solving the problems of the development of industry in the Donbas. The need to maintain the pace of implementation of the plan’s tasks for the first five years of industrialization promoted the implementation of progressive technology development projects, strengthening the role of scientific institutions of All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in the implementation of technical problems. Two main directions of the implementation of the cultural and scientific project have been investigated: activities of education and culture institutions on the final elimination of illiteracy, raising the level of culture in the region, and the practical contribution of All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences scientific institutions to the development of the Donbas industry. In spite of the fact that the public patronage had many disadvantages: low level of planning, poor control over the realization of the obligations, the high ideology influence to the cultural component of patronage, it had a substantial positive result. All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, as the flagship of Ukrainian science, and its scientists made a significant contribution to the development of mechanization of production process in factories and mines of region, improvement of the state of occupational health and safety, the study of harmful working conditions in production, improvement of living conditions and improvement of sanitary standards of life of the population, etc. In addition to the development of industry, the scientists of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences activity made f great contribution to the development of the cultural sphere: the network of libraries and the development of the Stalin Local History Museum. A promising research direction to deepen and elaborate information on the participation of All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences institutions in Donbass assistance is the studied of archival documents of scientific archives of institutions that directly participated in the implementation of the scientific part of patronage.
Source: Pryn M.O. (2018) All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in project “Public patronage of Kyiv region over the Stalin region” (1929-1932): on the materials of the local press. Sumy Historical and Archival Journal. №XXXI: 39-55
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