The article headlines the social status of tutors amongst noble families at the end of 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries. Kharkiv nobles engaged teachers with foreign backgrounds to educate their children. The motivation of this educational practice was related to the need for further education, and was aimed at maintaining status and social position. Highly educated foreigners spear headed European culture with these fair nobles at a household level. Knowledge of foreign languages — German and French, became compulsory communicative characteristics of their social status. Travel abroad was also required to gain knowledge of foreign languages. Home education with the prospect of on going development and university and grammar school, institute of noble women, gave contentment to nobles and was accepted as a fulfillment of status.
Source: Yakovenko G.G. (2018) Private Tutors in the Noble Families of Kharkiv in the Late 18 - Early 19 Centuries. V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Bulletin ‘History of Ukraine. Ukrainian Studies: Historical and Philosophical Sciences. Vol.26: 93-97
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