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21 June 2019

Archive Education in Ukraine: State And Prospects

Sumy Historical and Archival Journal
Archive Education in Ukraine: State And Prospects

The importance of understanding the goal of reforming archival education was noted, as well as solving the related tasks that will become the basis for its successful implementation. Currently, archives do not need a “universal amateur”, but deeply knowledgeable with the archival technologies specialist, who is capable of working with traditional documents of any era and a variety of external and internal characteristics, as well as being able to orient at the user and researcher level with the peculiarities of the functioning of information in the eenvironment, by working effectively with information technologies. Requirements to the skills of the archivist are not frozen and constantly changing according to the call of time. Defining the scope of the skills of the archivist is the beginning of who he should be, for a long time or not. The professionalism of the archivist needs a proper “infrastructure” that dialectically influences and determines its level. It is about modern material and technical support of the branch and financial support from any sources of a wide range of activity of archival institutions and their labor resources. This requires a responsible attitude of the state, society to the archives, development of inter-institutional productive dialogue of all involved in the training of archivists, archives, public associations, professional associations, in general, support of professional communication, etc. Material, technical and financial sectoral resources are the second powerful condition for reforming archival education. All plans to transform the archival education and to fill it with new content may also be impracticable without the appropriate legal and regulatory framework for educational activities. An important condition for the successful reformation of archival education in Ukraine is the personnel, that is, those who can attract and use various economic, technical, technological, scientific, informational, communicative-strategic resources in order to solve the urgent problems of the industry. Reforms should also be carried out by professionals, who are capable not only of producing ideas, but also of decisive anti-crisis management actions oriented towards positive results and achievement of goals. It was emphasized that without systematic management and various (social, material, financial, technical) support at the state level, in the first place for the employee of the archival institution is difficult to achieve the desired result. The prospects of archival education in multidimensional, varied educational programs in higher education, which tend to classical academies and technological practices, postgraduate education, distant form of organization of internships, retraining of personnel, a productive union of educational institutions and archival institutions, professional communication and managers, who capable of providing reform processes at different levels.

Source: Bezdrabko V. (2018). Archive Education in Ukraine: State And Prospects. Sumy Historical and Archival Journal. №XXXI: 5-17

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